Library Board Minutes 12/18/17


To be approved at the next meeting

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library Board of trustees met on Monday evening, at 5:10 due to the forgetfulness of the secretary concerning the 5:00 meeting time.  Those present were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese and Jean Borgeson, trustees.  Trustee, Brenda Roberts, was absent.  Shawneene Kenan, Librarian, was also in attendance.

The agenda was approved by unanimous acclamation and there being no one from the public to speak, the meeting continued.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed and the bills presented.  Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to approve the bills for payment by the city.  The vote carried.

Account Balances to date:

Memorial:  $160.00

General:  $2,992.24

Petty Cash:  $37.46

Gillett CD:  $24,100.72 (October)

There was no correspondence.

The Tier status application was reviewed and the general consensus was that Rippey could never reach the goals required.

The December circulation and program reports were handed out.

Shawneene will attend the Greene County Library Association meeting on Monday, January 8, 2018 and together they will attend the Greene County Supervisor’s meeting to report and ask for their budget increase to be approved.

Old business included a review of the November 6, 2017 Trustee Training and the goal to review and, if needed, update policies in the coming months, starting with the oldest dates last reviewed.

Some kind of fundraiser will be considered for February or March.  Plans can be finalized by E-mail before our January meeting.

There being no further comments from the librarian or board members, Nancy moved and Connie seconded to adjourn.  Carried

The next meeting will be Monday, January 29, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary