Recent Meeting


            The Rippey Lions Club held their regular meeting at the Rippey United Methodist Church on September 21, 2017. The meal was prepared and served by Phyllis Bardole and Jo Bardole. After the business meeting, Nancy Burrow presented the program, “Lions, Lions Everywhere.”  She gave a short history of the Lions Club organization, noting that there are 1.4 million members in 215 countries around the world. The motto is “We Serve” and was selected in the 1950’s from those submitted by Lions Club members. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Lions Club international service organization. She also shared pictures of statues of lions from around the world from Israel to Egypt and England. The local Lions Club projects have included sponsoring a community picnic each summer and donating to the Leader Dog program and Camp Hertko, a camp for children with Diabetes.

            The next meeting will be October 5 with Rachel Sacco coordinating the potluck meal and Harlan DenBeste in charge of the program.