Library Board Meeting 5/20/19


(approved at the June 24, 2019 meeting)

The Rippey Library Board of trustees met at the library on Monday, May 20, 2019 for their regular meeting. The meeting was moved up a week because of Memorial Day.

Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Phyllis Bardole, Librarian. Scot Groves was also in attendance.

The agenda was approved by acclamation.

There were no public comments.

The corrected minutes of March 25, as well as the April 29 minutes were reviewed. Brenda made a motion to approve both minutes as read and Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

May Balances:

General Fund: $4,171.05

Memorial Fund: $3,838.84

Grant: $1,383.oo (includes $100 left from last year’s Rotary grant)

Petty cash: 107.33

Gillett Fund: $22, 402.37

Phyllis reported no correspondence this month.

In June, the program, “Insect Zoo” will be presented in each of the Greene County Libraries. The presenters are from Iowa State University and the program is funded by the Greene County Supervisors and the Greene County Library Association. The program will be at Rippey on June 27, 2019 at 4:30 at the library. Phyllis has contacted Claudia about the use of the library for this event. The public will be encouraged to attend. Phyllis may need volunteers to help provide snacks and drinks.

The theme for Summer Reading is, “A Universe of Stories” and will be held later this summer. The dates will be determined by the volunteers who are willing to help lead the sessions.

Dale reported the city council approved to roll over any carryover funds from this fiscal year to 2019-2020 fiscal year at their meeting on May 6, 2019. The library was opened several weeks this year due to the resignation of the previous librarian and the time it took to advertise and schedule interviews for a librarian. Also, volunteers kept the library open when Phyllis was recovering from surgery. There were no payroll or book expenses during this time.

Jean reported she was grateful to get a “yes” answer to the first two people she called to be on the library board! Lyle Rychonovsky agreed to finish Connie’s term, which ends June 30, 2019 and then begin his own term on July 1, 2019. Scot Groves agreed to replace Dale, as his term ends June 30, also. Scot will begin his term on July 1, 2019, also. The terms are for six year. Also, Nancy Burrow agreed to serve her own term as long as they remain in Rippey. Nancy was completing the term of Connie Ades when she resigned and moved to the country.

Phyllis will present these selections to be approved by the city council meeting on June 3, 2019.

The board decided to table the review of the policies listed. These policies were developed with the help of the state consultant and the state law librarian. A motion by Nancy and second by Brenda was made to send the Confidentially and Sex Offender policies, as well as the Children’s Internet Safety Policy to those people at the state level, to review and make sure there were no new rules made since they were written.

Phyllis brought up a concern about the cleaning. She is finding it increasingly difficult to physically do at this moment. The volunteers, who have helped in the past, have the same problem. To clean during hours open takes away from the business of running the library and away from the desk, which she doesn’t feel she should do, especially if there are people in the library.

Jean expressed a desire to have Scot take a picture of the board and Phyllis, with Dale, as she will be in AZ in June. Scot agreed and did just that!

Jean said, in part, “Dale was another person who said “yes” to Velda and I when we asked him to fill a vacancy in 2008. Thank you Dale, for the many years of volunteering your time, your cooking skills and your willingness to complete your term.”

Brenda made the motion to adjourn and Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried

The next meeting will be June 24, 2019

Jean Borgeson, Secretary