Library Board Meeting Minutes 6/24/19


Rippey Library Board Minutes June 24, 2019  (To be approved at the next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Library met on Monday, June 24, 2019 in the library.

Knowing that Jean and Nancy would be out of town, Dale had consulted Mariann Mori on the legality of using remote attendance.  It is legal as long as everyone can hear each other.

Dale called Jean Borgeson and Nancy Burrow, and they both answered and said they could hear everyone.  He then called the meeting to order.

Present:  Dale Hanaman, Brenda Roberts, Rick Liebick , Lyle, Rychonovsky, and Nancy Burrow and  Jean Borgeson by their speaker phones.

President Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order.

Agenda  was approved by acclamation

Public Comment:

Nancy moved and Brenda seconded a motion to adopt the May 2019 board minutes as read. The motion carried.

The June 2019 bills were reviewed.   Nancy moved and  Brenda  seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid by the city clerk.  The motion carried.

Review FY 2018-2019 financial report

Balances June 30, 2019

General Fund:   $3,300.00

Memorial:           $3,747.00  (includes $2,000 reimbursement from CD in April 2018, as well as undesignated donations and memorials.}

Election of Officers: Since the city didn’t appoint the three vacated seats at their last meeting, Brenda nominated Jean as president for the ensuing year and Jean nominated Brenda to be secretary for the ensuing year.  The members accepted these nominations.

Dale reported on the computer & printer upgrade (Michael from Bits of Technology) The  estimate was shared.  A discussion was held and the non-members were asked for their input.

Brenda moved Nancy seconded to use Bits of Technology to upgrade the computers and printer.  The matching funds for the Growing Greene County Grant will be used from the carryover money, CD reimbursement from 2018 or non-designated donations/memorials received during the year.  (Lions Club, anonymous donations or memorial money that families and friends have not designated for a particular use.}  Motion carried

City Council Meeting – Dale shared information from Maryann Mori communication concerning the city’s non-action to vote on the names submitted for filling the vacant seats on the board.

There seems to be a legal glitch the city will have to address before filling the vacancies.  The city would have to put any changes to the 1983 ordinance on a ballot at an election of the city citizens.  The 2002 code didn’t address the changes from five board members from the city to seven, (three from township, two from city), by a vote of the city. Dale has shared this information with the mayor, Dan Brubaker.

 We would hope the inaction of the 2002 council would not impair the current governing body of the city, along with their attorney, can find a temporary solution for the library in time for the city elections in November.  At that time, perhaps the wording and number of trustees can be on the ballot and be decided for the best interest of the city library by their citizens.

 In the meantime, we still need three board members to fill the vacancies, by our next meeting.

 Phyllis reported the fire marshal did a check of the building.  The table in front of the exit door on the north side of the room needed to be removed.  This was done, with the keyboard temporarily removed to the kitchen by councilman Garry Higgins. Janice Johnston has the other keyboard to use for her piano students.

Programs for June-July mainly will be the summer reading sessions, led by Brenda Roberts.

There were no further remarks from the board or librarian.

Phyllis presented a card of thanks and monetary gift to Dale from the current board members and librarian, as well as some past librarians and board members and thanked him for the many years of leadership and dedication.  Dale was appointed to fill a vacancy on the board July 1, 2008 appointed to his own term July 2013.

Nancy moved and Brenda moved to adjourn. The motion carried.

Next Meeting will be July 29 at 5:30 p. m. in the library.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary

At the city council meeting July 1, 2019 the council approved Nancy Burrow to her own term, as well as Cindy Devilbiss, and Lyle Rychonovsky to complete the vacancies on the board.  

 The city approved matching county levy $6,449 + $1 for funding FY 2019-2010.

 Ordinance for library will be placed on the November city election ballot.