Library Board Meeting Minutes 9/30/19


Meeting was called to order by President, Jean Borgeson.

Present: President, Jean Borgeson, Secretary, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebich (City Liaison)

Cindy moved to approve the Agenda. Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

No public comments were shared

Nancy moved to approve the August 2019 Board Minutes as presented. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The September 2019 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Nancy seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Review financial report

Balances: September 30, 2019

General Fund: $7,095.51

Memorial: $3,519.79

New Business

Fundraiser ideas were discussed as well as a celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Library. It is also the 75th Anniversary of the Rippey Lions’ Club. ex:

Combine with the Lions’ Breakfast in November.

Cindy will look into ideas for the library can help celebrate the 150th Birthday of Rippey.

Highlights were shared from the meeting held at the Jefferson Public Library for new library trustees.

A letter was shared from the daughter of Dan Peters.

Phyllis reported on the Mini Con held at Jefferson Community Center. It ran from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. There were over 100 participants. Vendors were also present.

There will be a Greene County Library Association meeting on the morning of October 21st at the Scranton Public Library.

A Library Trustee meeting will be held at the Jefferson Country Club November 14 from 6-8:30 p.m.

Lyle moved to adjourn. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next meeting: November 25, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary