Library Board Minutes 4/30/18


(To be approved at the next meeting)
The Rippey Library board met Monday, April 30, 2018 in the library at 5:00. Attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts, and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian. One guest, Mary Millard, Rippey City Clerk was also present.
There was a general approval of the agenda.
Mary Millard, speaking for the council, expressed their desire to have a representative from the library board attend the city council meeting on May 7 to explain the reasons for asking for a library amendment to their budget to pay the bills out of the Jerry Gillett CD before June 30. The board will be represented to answer any questions they may have at their meeting.
The minutes of the March 26 meeting were approved after some spelling corrections and the April 16 special meeting minutes were approved as read by a motion by Connie and seconded by Brenda. Motion carried.
The city clerk’s year to date financial report was handed out and reviewed.
The bills were presented and Brenda made the motion to approve the bills for payment by the city council and Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Summer hours were discussed and Shawneene requested Thursday from 3-7 in June, July and August, with the other days remaining 1-5.
The Public Internet Policy was reviewed and changes made with a motion from Connie and second from Brenda. Motion carried.
The policy of the Duties of the Assistant Librarian were reviewed and a motion by Nancy and second by Brenda to approve the changes made was voted on. Motion Carried
Dale will type them up and send to all to review to be adopted at the May 21 meeting.
The events of April were reported on by Shawneene and included the Easter egg hunt, Greene County Reads and Toddler Fest. Our library was able to count a share of attendance at these events, except Toddler Fest, as there was only one from Rippey attending, so the total was divided between the five remaining libraries.
The next meeting will be held Monday, May 21, 2018 at 6:00 in the library. Note the change of date due to Memorial Day falling on our regular meeting day.
Jean Borgeson, Secretary