Library Board Minutes 8/27/18


(to be approved at the next meeting)

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.  Attending were:  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.

Dale Hanaman, President, called the meeting to order.

The agenda was approved unanimously.

No one from the public was in attendance.

The minutes from the July 25, 2018 meeting were reviewed.  Connie made a motion and Brenda seconded the motion to approve the minutes as read.  The motion carried.

The minutes from the August 20, 2018 special meeting were reviewed.  Connie made a motion and Nancy seconded the motion to approve the minutes as read.  The motion carried.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

August Balances:

Memorial:  2,009.66

General:  5,575.51

Petty Cash:  38.86

Gillett Fund:  24,178.83

 The bills were presented for approval.  Nancy made and Brenda seconded a motion to approve the bills to be paid by the city clerk.  The motion carried.

There was no correspondence.

The circulation and programs report from August was presented.  Shawneene cautioned the board that in the program migration from Concourse to the current system, some of the information has not transferred, so some information is missing.  Keeping daily records by a handwritten chart has been needed.

There was no old business.

New business included discussing the process and timeline for the applications and hiring a new librarian.

Starting Tuesday, September 4, the library will be open from 2-5.  Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Nancy Hanaman, Jean Borgeson and Connie Neese will be the volunteers.

The group was reminded of the open house on Thursday, August 30, from 3-5 for Shawneene.

Two Art on Fly sessions, one for children, and one for adults, will be he