Library Board Minutes 9/24/18


(to be approved at next meeting)

The regular meeting of the Rippey Public Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.

Attending were Dale Hanaman, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese and Jean Borgeson.

Dale called the meeting to order with a general approval of the agenda.

There was no public attending.

The minutes from the August meeting were approved with a motion from Nancy Burrow and second from Brenda Roberts.

The city clerk’s report was reviewed.

The bills were presented and Brenda Roberts moved and Nancy Burrow seconded the motion to approve the bills to be paid by the city clerk.

The members discussed some correspondence concerning an upcoming trustees meeting at Paton. Also, the group reviewed the application process.

A review of the interview schedule was slated for Thursday, September 27.

Halloween party, old policies to review and budget proposal will be on agenda October 29, 2018.

Nancy Burrow moved and Connie Neese seconded the motion to adjourn. Carried

Jean Borgeson, Secretary