144 CHI Applications Due April 15th


The 144 Corridor Housing Initiative is offering a matching grant to single-family rentals or homeowner properties. Are you interested in improving the exterior of your property to increase its value? The grant program, which is available until funds are depleted, aims to improve the attractiveness and value of homes within Rippey city limits. The matching grant program provides up to $1,000 and gives special consideration to local suppliers and contractors.

Applications are available in Rippey at Brubaker Shop, Rolling Hills Bank, Peoples Bank, Sparky’s and Rippey Library. If you have any questions about the program or the application process, you can contact Rippey board member, Mary Weaver at 515-360-8046 or mweaver235@gmail.com. To apply for the grant, the homeowner or renter must complete an application form detailing the project, cost, and timeline and submit to the 144 CHI board before the April 15th deadline. The work must be completed by November 30th, and a request for payment with receipts must be made by December 12th.