AZ Graduation


Excitement was in the air on Thursday, May 21, 2010 as preparations were made for kindergarten graduation at Gethsemane Lutheran Church School. Jayden and Sophia looked forward to seeing their teacher, Mrs. Lyons and the other personnel of the school that they have missed these last couple months.

The cars, one for each child, were decorated with signs and banners, and as we drove into the school grounds, the school staff was waiting along the drive clapping and cheering the kids. The kids were really excited when they saw their teacher Mrs. Lyons and her assistants at the end of the parade, handing out gift bags for the children!

Mrs. Lyons, who is retiring this year, assured the children she would see her “Lyon’s Cubs” at church and wished them well, as they all will be attending new schools next fall.

A stop for ice cream cones completed the morning’s activities and the contents of the gift bags entertained them for a while. They were diverted for a bit when they discovered the new bikes when we arrived home. They had outgrown their bikes and after some adjustments, they were ready to try out later in the day.

-Jean Borgeson