Sesquicentennial Planning Meeting Minutes


The Rippey Sesquicentennial planning group met Sunday, June 27 at 6:30 P.M. Nine persons were present with three guests, Kyle Kenan, and Natalie Payan and Tim Pound.

Kyle led off the evening explaining he and about 20 or so of his friends have antique tractors and they want to be in the parade, and then have a tractor ride to Old Rippey, and return for the lunch and to be potentially be a part of the car show.

This was well received and Kyle was encouraged to go forward with the plans.

Natalie and Tim were representing the Greene County Community Players and would like to perform a premier one act play, “Bigfoot Monologues”, written by native Green Countian, Sarah Nicholsen. Tim Pound will portray Bigfoot. It is a family friendly play. It was determined they could present at 2:00 on the lawn between the library and the Rolling Hills Bank. They do not need a sound system, nor a stage.

There will be no public admission fee for either of these projects, nor do they expect a stipend.

They were thanked for attending and for bringing additional activities to the celebration.

The treasurer’s report was reviewed.

Donations since June 6 were $150.00 from Ruth Kenny Randolph, along with Sherry Jones who donated in memory of her husband, Donald.

The account for the Sesquicentennial is $10,209.00. Upcoming bills include the $300 for the meat raffle, and $600 for portable toilets, and trash receptacles.

Two pledges, one for face painting have been donated by Dennis and Sharon Ulrich, and three bouncy houses and staff for the hours of 10-4:00 were donated by Valerie Heater Ogren.

The bills presented were for banners used on the Bell Tower parade float, which will be placed on the baseball park fence, and handouts used at the Bell Tower parade. This was a total of $250.00.

The ballpark concession stand is generating about $100 per game, and is being staffed by volunteers. All profits go to the ball field. The City of Rippey receives $50.00 for use of the field, and $25.00 for electricity from the teams that are playing.

Mary distributed applications for vendors, food trucks, parade entries, and the car show. Persons attending were also given baseball schedules and event schedules for the July 31st celebration. Individuals present were encouraged to take and widely distribute.

A large dumpster to collect trash from the day, along with 6 smaller bins have been ordered by Dan for $300. He has also arranged for portable toilets. This will be a total expense of $600.00 for the Friends of Rippey. Receptacles for recycling plastic and cans were suggested.

Prizes were discussed for Bingo, and the how to distribute. Bingo cards are usually $0.50 per card. Pat McPherson will be coordinating this effort.

It was determined there will be no parade entry prizes.

Kat Butler will arrange for the Car show prizes from the registration fee.

It was determined to have the “tickets for the magnets” at the Rippey Library community room, near the Rippey artifact display. There may be more than one prize available, but the drawing(s) will begin at the beginning of the fireworks display.

One food truck vendor has completed an application, Weinie Wonderland and Smoke Shack of Boone, Iowa. Others have indicated an interest, but have not completed the applications.

The Washington Winners, under the leadership of Kyle Mower will be contacted about selling water after the parade on the library lawn.

Dale Hanaman suggested having the Grand Junction rescue unit available in Rippey for service on July 31st. Mary will contact them.

Following discussion, it was determined to ask Greene County Democrats and Greene County Republicans if they would like a parade entry. Only if both agree to enter, will they be allowed to participate.

It was also determined to allow each town in the County to have one fire unit in the parade.

Marketing will begin with the Jefferson Bee and Herald, Greene County News Online, the Scranton Journal, and the Raccoon Valley Radio. Coltrane will be asked to do weekly interviews about activities that will occur during the celebration.

It was brought to the attention of the group, that “obscene language” had been painted on the interior of the shelter house, and will need to be spray painted to cover.

The car show will be on the north and south side of the Rippey Main Street, the Food Trucks will be on Third Street on either side of the street. Third street is on the east side of the library. The craft vendors from third street east on Main Street on both the north and south side of the street. This will be in the post office and Dan Brubaker’s house.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

The next meeting will be held on July 11 at 6:30 P.M.