Sesquicentennial Planning Update


Good Morning to Friends of Rippey persons,

The sesquicentennial planning group did not meet last Sunday evening April 1st due to the social distancing associated with the Corvid 19  pandemic. Telephone solicitation for views regarding if to hold the celebration August 1st, 2020, were done. It has been determined to “table” the decision until the May 3rd meeting. At that meeting we will decide if to go for 2020 or to hold until August 1, 2021.
Funds ($6759) were received to pay for portions of the painting of the mural on the Rolling Hills Bank ( and the bank has given a donation for the remainder), for refurbishing the two dug outs at the baseball field, and printing the I REMEMBER. RIPPEY booklet. Plans are to proceed with these projects even if the 150th celebration is not held until 2021. The  Greene County Community Foundation is to be thanked for these dollars.
The account balance for the Sesquicentennial continues to slightly grow and is at $17,814.25, and the Friends of Rippey fund stands at $22,589.75.
Mel Murken, former East Greene Baseball Coach and Rippey resident, has been designated the Baseball Commissioner of Rippey. He has spent time rigging two “drags” for the field, and while not asking reimbursement for his labor, has spent $90.00 in nuts and bolts and  other things  to make the drags. He has a request for reimbursement.
He   would also like to paint the interior of the Grandstand, as he and Merle, his neighbor and helper, have completed the scraping of the old paint. Painting now would prevent a lot of persons from having splinters!! The paint will also be used for the refurbished dug outs.  An estimate of 10 gallons of quality exterior paint at about $40.00, or $400.00
Finally he would like to purchase new bases,a home plate, two pitching rubbers(one for warm up), and some balls. This cost is expected to run about $750.00.
So the request is to spend $1200 to upgrade the ball field,and reimburse him for his purchases.
If there are no objections by Saturday, April 11 at 5:00 P.M., it will be considered OKAY to PROCEED.
Prior to the outbreak of the Cornavirus, Mel had obtained a commitment for three summer ball games to be played by the  Des Moines League on the Rippey field. We all hope this infection will dissipate and those games will be held. It would be so enjoyable to hear the crack of a bat on a ball at the field.  Will keep you informed.
The deadline to submit articles or one liners about your remembrances of your home town is nearing. The ones received to date are available on the FRIENDS OF RIPPEY web site. Just google Rippey News, and it pops up. The Friends of Rippey also has a Face Book site if you would like to read about what is happening. There are interesting and informative excerpts from newspapers that Jean Borgeson has searched regarding changes in businesses on Main Street. These are on the Rippey Library web site.
Memorial bricks to honor your families or friends remain available at $50.00.
Sesquicentennial shirts, hats, and plates remain available by mail at $10.00 each plus mailing costs.
A treasure trove of “Families of Rippey, Greene County, Iowa”, (reprinted from the History of Rippey 1849-1956 )by the  Rippey Alumnae Association) were found this week in the Rippey closet at the Community Room.
Rippey Cookbooks were found there also.
Let me know if you would like any of these items. The Families/ and cookbooks are available for the cost of mailing or about $5.00.
All from your home town today.
Be safe, practice social distancing
Wear your masks when in public.