Snow Pants by Kathy Lansman Young


A special thank you to all those who have participated in our “I Remember Rippey” series.  Your remembrances have allowed readers to share in our town’s history, activities, sports, school, church, and daily life covering 150 years.

We will continue posting online here, using “I Remember Rippey” remembrances received, though those received after April, 2020  will not be in the printed history book. If you would like to read more Rippey history, you may also click on the History tab of the Rippey Library website:

Snow Pants by Kathy Lansman Young

We were in the 2nd grade, with Mrs. Swindler as our teacher. The girls were still required to wear dresses to school. It was wintertime, so we were allowed to wear snow pants under our dresses, then remove them once we got to school. That day, during recess, all the boys were going “gung ho” and got their clothes completely wet. When we came in from recess, Mrs Swindler made the boys take off their wet trousers, and put on the girls snow pants. Their trousers were then put over the radiators to dry.