Surprise Birthday Gathering


Planning a surprise for someone’s special birthday is always fun when it works!  My son-in-law was 60 on February 21 and Linda secretly invited his son and wife, Blake and Shanea Hampton and almost two-year-old grandson, Blake, as well as his step-son, Damichael Washington, all of Durham, NC, to spend a few  with the AZ family.

 On Sunday, everyone attended church where they met Blake’s, niece Harriet Coates and her roommate, Aerial Thurman, who live in the area.  After church, the group ate at IHOP and the little kids enjoyed sharing the birthday ice cream that Blake received with proper singing from some of the staff.  The waitress even brought the little ones an extra bowl that soon disappeared.

A highlight for the kids took place in the parking lot was when Harriet showed the kids her fencing swords and let them handle them.  Harriet participates in fencing competition and it was fascinating to learn about the sport.

The North Carolina family enjoyed the warm weather and a little sightseeing while they were here.  They left Tuesday evening tired, but with some good memories and lots of pictures!

– Jean Borgeson