An AZ Valentines Day To Remember


The day began with the kindergarten class field trip to the Tempe Library.  Our tour guide took the group behind the “staff” doors and the kids got to see what happens to a book when it is put into the return slot. The room is similar to a mail sorting station for the post office.  The books are automatically sorted and put in the correct bins so the staff can put them back on the shelves.  The kids were fascinated with this feature.

We traveled through the building, ending up in the children’s section. which had an entrance tunnel for the kids, The main room featured several sections divided into age groups.  The group ended up in the activity room where the librarian led the group in a song, read several books and had a lesson on how not to treat a book.  She showed the kids several books that won’t be put back on the shelves because of coloring on the pages, spilled food, torn pages, and water damage.  This was impressive to the kids and held their attention.

The last stop was a room upstairs for crafts, meetings, and small gatherings.  Snacks were brought in by the library café staff and there were wrapped books with numbers on them.  The books, donated by the Friends of the Library, were then distributed to the children’s corresponding number they had drawn.  This was exciting for the group and as we were leaving, my grandson, Jayden, went back in and asked the librarian if this was a book he could “really keep forever and ever?”

The early afternoon was spent helping with the class Valentines party.  Their bags were full of crafty creations and plenty of sweets as they left the building.  When the twins and I got home, they wanted to read their new books and play with their Legos quietly, which was fine with their “old” Grandma!

  • Jean Borgeson