Greater Day Than Usual


Phyllis Gannon and Jean Borgeson enjoyed lunch at To-Jo’s last Wednesday. We hadn’t been able to join the regulars for some time and it was well worth the trip. Dianne Banning decided to do the same thing and she brought a friend. When Jean glanced at her, she thought she looked familiar. It didn’t take much longer to realize that it was Roberta Burkhart, of my home town of Woodward and I had babysat with her and her siblings when she was a baby. I guess you know, we had some catching up to do and a phone call to my sister Elayne Bice helped make that reunion special. When I took Phyllis home, we were sitting on her couch visiting some more and who should walk in unannounced but her daughter Monica Tenorio of Amarillo, TX, for a few day’s visit. What a surprise that was! Of course we talked until it was time to eat supper. Phyllis already had soup simmering, so we enjoyed a meal together before I finally left to go to choir. It ended up being a greater day than usual!

– Jean Borgeson