News In and Around Rippey


   Dale and Nancy Hanaman traveled to Pella for the annual tulip festival accompanied by Dale’s cousin and wife, Ken and Linda Osborn, Janesville, WI. They enjoyed the burst of color with the tulip blossoms.  Before the parade, they watched a dedicated group washing the street before the Queen and her court arrived.  The precision street dancers filled the area in front of the grandstand.  The tasty Dutch letters were an added treat.

           Virgene Morse traveled to Madrid on Sunday Morning to attend church with the Terry and Diane Ostendorf family.  Madelyn Ostendorf, who has been part of the youth group for four years, gave the sermon.  The youth are very active in their church and will be part of the volunteer pool of people who will be taking turns conducting church services for their minister, who is taking a 12 week sabbatical this summer.  Others attending were Michaela and Ben Ostendorf and Annika Lewis.  Virgene enjoyed lunch with the family before returning home.