Rippey Lions Club Met


                The Rippey Lions Club met on April 6, 2017, for a potluck meal and welcomed guest speaker, Kim Merk, Program Coordinator, Iowa State University Extension, Boone County.

            During the business meeting, the group discussed plans to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of Lions Clubs by planting trees in Rippey with a plaque near the trees. Summer events may include “Music on Main Street Programs, a dedication in Keith Devilbiss’ memory, and a community picnic.

             Chris Roberts introduced Kim Merk who shared with group the many outreach programs through the ISU Extension. Laura Ballard, ISU Extension-Greene County was ill and couldn’t be part of the program. All Iowa counties have an office and provide needed a variety of programs and services to the county. The key four areas for the Iowa State Extension are economic development with leadership training and other programs; food and the environment including information for home gardens, lawns and landscaping;, health and well-being; programs and work with children and youth from Kindergarten-12, including the 4-H  for young people in rural area, towns and cities.  Kim can be contacted through and the Greene County Extension Office at